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District Calendar » Proposed 2025-2026 District Academic Calendar

Proposed 2025-2026 District Academic Calendar

Through collaboration with parents, District administrators, and representatives from all 16 Frenship campuses, the Frenship ISD Calendar Committee has selected two calendar drafts for the 2025-2026 school year. Your feedback is important to us! We encourage all staff, parents, and community members to take the quick survey at the bottom of this page. This data will help the Calendar Committee finalize a calendar to present to the Board of Trustees in February.

Calendar Requirements

  • The State of Texas requires a minimum of 75,600 instructional minutes for students.
  • The calendar must have 187 working days for teachers. Staff development days are counted in the 187 teacher days.
  • Draft A and B meet both of these requirements.
Additional Information
  • Extra Minutes – Both drafts have extra instructional minutes built into the schedule. This provides a cushion in the event school is delayed or closed due to circumstances such as bad weather.
    • Draft A and B have the same number of extra minutes built into the calendar as a cushion.
  • Bad Weather Days – Students and staff are off these days unless the extra minutes mentioned above have been used and they are needed to make up a bad weather day. These do not count in the total staff days or student minute requirements.
    • The bad weather days on Draft A (April 3 and May 22) and Draft B (April 3) are in addition to the extra minutes built into the calendar as mentioned above. 
  • Thanksgiving Break – All professional staff members are required to complete staff development hours prior to the beginning of school. These hours are part of the contract expectation and will allow for comp time the week of Thanksgiving. These are noted as staff development days on November 24-25, but staff will have those two days off. 
  • Winter Break – Both drafts have the same Winter Break that aligns with proposed calendars by Lubbock ISD. 
  • Spring Break - Both drafts have the same Spring Break that aligns with Texas Tech University and the proposed calendars by Lubbock ISD.
  • Major Draft Differences - There are a few differences in the spring that center around Presidents' Day, the Monday after Easter, and other Professional Days in February and March. Please see the comparison chart for a closer look at the differences.
    • Draft A:
      • Presidents' Day (February 16) - Staff work and students have off
      • Friday, May 22 (Bad Weather Day) - Staff and students have off unless it is needed to make up for bad weather. This means May 21 is the last day of school if a make-up day is not needed.
    • Draft B:
      • Presidents' Day (February 16) - Both staff and students have off.
      • Friday, May 1 - Staff work and students have off
      • Friday, May 22 - Last day of school day of school with a districtwide early release.
We encourage all parents, staff, and community members to take the 2025-2026 District Calendar Survey below. Survey data will be used by the Calendar Committee to determine what calendar draft to present to the School Board for approval.
The calendar survey is now closed.