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Frenship ISD

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Talking with Tigers

How long have you been a Frenship Tiger?

I have been a Frenship Tiger going on 15 years if you include my time as a student, a teacher and now an administrator!

What made you want to pursue a career in education?

I had fantastic teachers growing up. They instilled in me a love of learning. I decided very young that I wanted to become an educator and instill that same love of learning in kids.

What positions have you held at Frenship ISD?

I was a 2nd grade teacher at Crestview before becoming the assistant principal at North Ridge and now principal!

As the new principal of North Ridge Elementary, what are your goals for the school year?

My #1 goal this year is to continue the amazing success and growth North Ridge has seen over the last several years. I am also working to increase parent involvement at North Ridge to help strengthen the home-school connection.

What do you love most about Frenship?

The thing I love most about Frenship is that no matter how big it has become it still feels like a small community school system. I love getting to see families come through here that have deep roots in the district. The Frenship Way is what makes Frenship so unique and the reason so many people come here and stay!

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself!

I love to sing! I am on the worship team at my church and really enjoy it. I also love to make and decorate sugar cookies!
