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Rank One Forms

You will be able to complete all of the required Frenship athletic forms with the exception of the athletic physical and medical history.

A new athletic physical and completion of our athletic forms are required annually at Frenship ISD.

The student is required to use the UIL Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation form (rev. 12/2014). NO OTHER Physical Examination Form can be accepted.

Frenship ISD hosts an opportunity to have the athletic physical done at the Frenship High School Tiger Pit and at each Middle School every Spring (dates TBA) for $20.

Parents/guardians may take their student-athlete to their own private physician as long as the exam is reported on the correct UIL form, found under the “DOWNLOAD AND PRINT” tab.
If you have any questions, please contact:
 Kimber Rodgers or Dustin Rush or call the Athletic Office at (806)866-4480.