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FISD Strategic Plan » Frenship 2021 Strategic Plan

Frenship 2021 Strategic Plan

Every five years, Frenship ISD initiates a strategic planning process to revisit and assess goals to meet the present and future needs of Frenship students and staff. With the last strategic plan set in 2016, Frenship launched a new strategic planning process in the fall of 2021.

Planning our Future Together

strategic plan

The strategic design process is a thoughtful and purposeful planning process that represents the collective voices of the community, administration, staff, parents, and students to plan Frenship ISD’s future. This process provides clear direction by setting goals and specific strategies for how the district will serve students for the next five years.

A timeline is developed to determine priorities, focus resources, and ensure staff and stakeholders are working toward the district’s common goals. The strategic planning process is critically important in planning Frenship ISD’s future. Together, we will continue the rich tradition of excellence. Below are the Call to Action, Learner Outcomes, and Goals with Specific Results that were created through the 2021 strategic planning process.

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Call to Action

Frenship ISD will foster an inclusive environment that equips and empowers learners to embrace opportunities, serve, and positively impact their community. 

Learner Outcomes

  • Each learner will be prepared for post-graduate success. 
  • Each learner will make progress towards their academic and career goals through a personalized plan.  
  • Each learner will be provided with opportunities to engage in the community or school through service projects. 
  • Each learner will achieve personal success by integrating academic skills to produce creative solutions into all life situations. 
  • Each learner will demonstrate effective oral, non-verbal, written, and digital communication in academic, social, and work context.  

Goals & Specific Results


  • 1.1 - Create a playbook with administrative processes for facility expansion.
  • 1.2 - Gather input through surveys and events hosted by district, campus, and community organizations to foster equitable expansion decisions.
  • 1.3 - Foster engagement with parents, students, and staff in new and existing campus operations and programs.


  • 2.1 - Develop a district technology playbook to support equitable learning experiences for students and staff.
  • 2.2 - Establish a district professional development plan to ensure all staff receive adequate training on devices, device troubleshooting, and lesson implementation.
  • 2.3 - Create a coherent sequence of instruction that develops technology competencies in students.  


  • 3.1 - Enhance and communicate a recruitment plan that incentivizes future employees of the district.  
  • 3.2 - Design a system that provides incentives to retain current employees.
  • 3.3 - Expand professional development supports and growth opportunities to guide Frenship ISD employees throughout the stages of their career pathway.


  • 4.1 - Establish a pre-K through 12th grade tiered instructional continuum for social and emotional development of all learners.
  • 4.2 - Foster a collaborative partnership with parents and the community to support student well-being.
  • 4.3 - Review and research the role and responsibilities of counselors and determine best practices to meet the needs of Frenship ISD learners.


  • 5.1 - Create ways to explain the meaning of “Seek Perfection...Capture Excellence” with staff, students, and the community that reinforce the Frenship ISD culture.
  • 5.2 - Expand and explain on-boarding  programs for all new staff, students, and families in ways that reinforce the Frenship ISD culture.


  • 6.1 - Establish a district-wide Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation  (CAEP)  team, representing every campus, to identify, implement, and coordinate activities at each level. 
  • 6.2 - Research best practices and develop a district-wide community service program based on the SERVE model.
  •  6.3 - Build a district-wide system through which students, parents, and staff collaborate  to set, monitor, and adjust personal learning goals.