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Frenship ISD

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Frenship ISD Student Nutrition Recognized for Farm Fresh Challenge

Since 2013, the challenge has recognized organizations that include more local foods in meals and snacks and provide lessons about Texas agriculture.

Throughout the month of October, Frenship ISD Student Nutrition offered locally sourced Texas foods and provided garden-based learning activities to strengthen students’ appreciation for Texas agriculture. This included locally sourced milk, cucumbers, tomatoes, and more. Frenship ISD Student Nutrition shared their achievements on social media throughout the challenge to further champion and promote local food for kids in their schools.

“Participating in the Farm Fresh Challenge has a real impact on students, communities, and local agricultural economies,” Commissioner Miller said. “Connecting Texas farmers with school nutrition programs builds healthy habits that can last a lifetime. I am proud of all the schools that participated in this year’s challenge, and I thank them for the hard work they do to keep young Texans healthy all year.”

Frenship ISD Student Nutrition joined 156 other school districts and charter organizations for the annual event, pledging to Eat Local, Teach Local, and Be Social. That translates to 2,923 sites and 2.3 million children having Farm Fresh opportunities to learn about Texas agriculture and taste locally grown foods.

By serving healthy and balanced meals, offering agricultural and nutrition education, and prioritizing local Texas foods, the school has demonstrated dedication to the well-being of their students while recognizing the efforts of local farmers and ranchers to provide high quality food.

