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Bennett Teacher Wins KAMC’s Celebrating Teacher Sweepstakes

Bennett Elementary 4th Grade math and science teacher Daylene Koch was nominated for this week’s KAMC and Carpet Tech Celebrating Teachers Sweepstakes. Koch has been teaching at Frenship for 20 years.     

Koch says that she felt encouraged to pursue teaching by her mom, who was a former teacher herself.  

Her favorite part about teaching students is the quality time she gets to spend pouring into their lives. “They are just so sweet and loving. It’s so much fun to be part of their lives. It really does take a community to raise our kids nowadays,” said Koch. 

Koch began her teaching career at Frenship ISD. “I got hired and I was at Casey Elementary. Now Bennett is the elementary school and Casey is the administrative building. The sweet secretary would always tell me ‘You need to go get your degree.’ I took the long route because I was working full time and raising kids full time, but I finally did it.” 

Koch was awarded a gift certificate for a whole house floor cleaning up to a retail value of $4,000, courtesy of Carpet Tech. 

For information on nominating a Frenship teacher click here.
