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WHAT-A-SURPRISE! Frenship Teacher Receives What-A-Teacher Grant

To celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, 30 teachers throughout the communities Whataburger serves received a grant. They selected schools in those communities, and then the teachers voted.  

The teachers and staff at the FHS Ninth Grade Center chose Samantha Gabriel as one of the grant recipients for her passion for teaching. 

Gabriel is the only teacher in Lubbock who won the What-A-Teacher award.  

The Whataburger team walked into Gabriel’s class just in time for her instruction during a dissection lab. Gabriel's class cheered and clapped as she received the check.  

“I don't know who voted for me but thank you! I was so surprised,” said Gabriel.  

Gabriel plans on using the funds on more labs and hands-on activities for the students.  

“I would love to get mini-PCRS's. They are used to do Gel Electrophoresis, which is a method for separation and analysis of macromolecules DNA, RNA, and proteins.” 

Whataburger Corporate Field Marketing Coordinator, Casey Keene, shares that this award goes beyond recognition, it highlights the difference teachers are making inside of our classrooms.  

“We want to highlight those teachers that fuel and give the power of knowledge to our students and communities. Those students are our future and without these teachers they would not have that fundamental background to succeed in the classroom,” said Keene. 

Gabriel says that she feels showered in love this Teacher Appreciation Week.  

“I’m thankful that we have a community that supports us, and I am thankful that this happened,” said Gabriel.

Congratulations Samantha Gabriel! We are grateful that you are a part of the Frenship Family! 
