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Westwind Elementary Students Learn About Speed Stacking

Speed stacking is an international sport where competitors stack cups in an amazing show of fitness, agility, concentration, and quickness.  Last week, Westwind Elementary students had the opportunity to learn about speed stacking from a sports representative. 

Jacob Cline, the Westwind P.E. teacher, has always been interested in utilizing the cup speed stacking activity in his classes. He saw the Speed Stacking group present at several conferences and finally had the opportunity to bring them to Westwind. 

Stephanie Cobb from Speed Stacks, the company that makes special cups designed for speed stacking, visited Westwind to teach the students about the sport. Speed stacking or cup stacking competitors are timed by their ability to stack and unstack cups in certain patterns as quickly as possible. 

When Cobb visited, she demonstrated the three basic stacking formations: 3-3-3, a 3-6-3, and a cycle stack. The students then got to practice the styles of stacking formations. They used the cups to play different games during P.E. class; Relays, stack games, throwing, and target games. 

Cline stated that the students had a blast learning about cup stacking, an activity all students could enjoy.  

“I believe that the kids really enjoyed the activity, they were all highly engaged and interested the whole time. I think they liked it so much because it was so interactive and new,” said Cline. “It isn’t a sports-based game, so even students who aren't interested in sports still had fun.” 

This activity was beneficial for the students because it allowed for an alternative way of being active that is not just sports. Cup stacking helps with hand-eye coordination, thinking skills, and agility. This is a unique activity, something new and fun that students can take with them home to do alone or compete with friends. 
