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Employment » Substitute Teacher

Substitute Teacher

If you are interested in serving as a Substitute Teacher at Frenship ISD, you must complete the online application in Search Soft.

Once you have completed the on line application you will receive the following:

  • Email with a link to complete online forms
  • Email with fingerprint instructions
  • Email regarding orientation information 
*When you attend the Substitute orientation, there will be additional forms to complete.
The day of Substitute Orientation you will need to bring the following items:
  • Driver's License
  • Social Security Card
  • Copy of Transcripts (if available)
  • A Voided Check or a document from the bank with your account number/routing information (for direct deposit)

Substitute Requirements:

  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Minimum of a high school diploma or equivalent
  • Must complete required paperwork and attend a sub orientation class
  • Fingerprinting/Background Check are required

Substitute Daily Pay Rate:

  • Non Degreed Subs: $75 per day
  • Degreed Subs: $80 per day
  • Certified Teacher Subs: $100 per day
  • Nurse and Counselor Subs: $100 per day
  • Mondays and Friday: An additional $10 per day
  • Long Term Teaching Jobs: Additional $15 daily after 10th consecutive day in the same class


Frenship ISD is an Equal Opportunity Employer. During the selection and employment process, individuals shall be selected and employed without regard to race, creed, color, gender, age, religious affiliation, marital status, national origin, or physical disability - except where gender or physical requirements constitute a bona fide occupational qualification. Discrimination against any person shall be prohibited in recruitment, examination of application, appointment, training, promotion, retention, discipline, and any other aspect of personnel administration.