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District Departments » Administrative and Student Services » Student Discipline

Student Discipline

FISD Student Code of Conduct
In accordance with Board Policy FO (LEGAL), the Board will adopt a Student Code of Conduct for the District, with the advice of its District-level committee.  The Frenship ISD Student Code of Conduct is reviewed annually for updates or changes and presented for the FISD School Board for approval at the June Board Meeting.  The Director of Student Services is responsible for the Student Code of Conduct review.  Information for consideration is taken from the District Improvement Committee, the Texas Education Agency, the District Safety & Security Committee, legislative changes and mandates, including changes in Board Policy.  The Frenship ISD Campus administrators are also asked to provide input.  The Student Code of Conduct does contain the FISD Student Dress Code.
Disciplinary Action
The Frenship ISD Secondary Administrators utilize a Disciplinary Action Chart to assist in assigning discipline.  These charts are utilized as a guide for disciplinary assignments.  Self-defense, intent or lack of intent, student's disciplinary history may be taken into consideration when assigning discipline.  This is not a complete list of disciplinary actions, but includes the inappropriate behaviors that are  dealt with on a regular basis.