What is emergency preparedness and what emergencies does Frenship ISD prepare for?
Emergency preparedness for a school district involves four elements - prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. We follow all guidance from the National Incident Management System(NIMS) and Incident Command Protocol(ICP). Frenship ISD has established a District Emergency Response Plan (EOP) that provides for procedures & processes for all of these elements. Frenship ISD has developed a great relationship with local emergency law enforcement and personnel in the city and county. We work with these agencies to develop our emergency plans. Frenship ISD prepares for a wide range of events and crises.
Can I see the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that has been developed?
What will Frenship ISD do in the event an emergency occurs while school is in session?
In an emergency, can the school keep parents from coming and getting their children?
What is a Lockdown?
What is a “shelter” response?
What is an evacuation?
What is a parent / student reunification site?
Who can pick up a student from school or from a reunification site?
How will I know where the reunification site is located?
What occurs if my child and other students are riding a bus at the time an emergency occurs?
My child has special needs. What emergency preparations and consideration are being made for children with special needs?
Should I contact my child at school on their cell phone during an emergency?