The Frenship Independent School District employs a full-time police department of Texas Commissioned Peace Officers, licensed by the Texas Commission On Law Enforcement. Texas Education Code Chapter 37.081 authorizes a school district to employ peace officers, such as a local government would employ peace officers.
Frenship ISD officers work during regular school days, Monday thru Friday, between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:30 pm. In addition, FISD officers provide security for school-sponsored activities both during and after regular school hours.
The department employs officers with a minimum of a TCOLE Intermediate peace officer certification. Some officers also hold certifications as Police Instructors, Basic Tactical Officers, Basic to Advanced Investigators, Special Investigators, Hostage Negotiators, and Gang Officers, as well as other training that specifically serves the district.
FISD police officers are highly motivated individuals that actively seek ways to improve the school environment through a constant, visible presence, and by creating and implementing unique programs that address, Bullying, Non-Attendance, Gang Activity and other social needs as required. All our officers are committed to the common goal of developing students who academically excel, exhibit practical problem-solving skills, and are of good character and citizenship.
The Frenship ISD Police Department's jurisdiction is authorized by Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, the Texas Education Code, and the Frenship ISD School Board. Police services provided to FISD include enforcing laws of the State of Texas within the limits of the COUNTY OF LUBBOCK, the CITY OF LUBBOCK and the CITY OF WOLFFORTH. Frenship officers work in collaboration with other law enforcement including other school district police agencies and city, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
To contact an officer during the regular school day, (7:30 to 4:30) dial the Casey Administration Reception Desk
(806) 866-9541. Officers are officed at the high school middle schools, for elementary schools an officer is officed at Northridge Elementary. Officers may be contacted directly via the campus office.
The Frenship ISD Police Department radio dispatches primarily through the Lubbock County Sheriff's Communication Center, (806) 775-1601. Also, the City of Lubbock Communications Center, (806) 755-2812, can contact an officer as needed for non-emergency matters.
Please refer all questions or concerns to the Chief of Police at (806) 696-5895.